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The mobile application «Diaporoid 2» is produced by Philémon MERLET, resident at : 34 chemin des Iris, 78370 PLAISIR, FRANCE.
Telephone : 06 81 11 75 13
E-mail :
Contact : Philémon MERLET
Application objective
The «Diaporoid 2» application objective is to display and automatically scroll through pictures present on the user's phone or tablet.
Services provided by the application
Scroll through pictures contained in a directory on the device, including or not sub-directories. Optionnally, play a sound file or a playlist present on the device while pictures are displayed. Configure various parameters as duration of display for each picture, scroll order, transition between pictures... Save a specific configuration on the device, load a previously saved configuration.
Personal Data
- All saved data is recorded only on the phone or tablet. The application does not modify pictures or sound files present on the user's phone or tablet. Saved configurations are recorded on a database located inside the application, and are not in any case sent on the network, nor accessible by other applications.
- The application does not, in any case, transmit on the network data about displayed pictures or played sounds.
- The free version of the application uses the AdMob ads network to display ads in the options screens. In this regard, it sends to the network the unique advertising id of the phone or tablet. This id can be reset or disabled from the phone or tablet parameter :
- Given the device model and the Android version, open the parameters and the "Google" section, or the "Google parameters"
- In "Services", select "Ads"
- Disable the "Personalized ads" option
- Fo statistic purposes, anonymous information about application navigation (screen openings, clickks on options...) are sent to the Googe Analytics servers.
The app exists in two versions :
Limitation of liability
The developer can not in any case be considered responsible of the consequences of this application usage.
The developer can not in any case be considered responsible of the device network data consumption, for example linked to ads display.